
(Michael S) #1
66 Facilitator’s Handbook for Permaculture Workshops

Field activity : Resources observation walk

Method : Group observation, analysis, and documentation walk

Tools : Paper, pens, and a clip board for each participant

References : PC Book MOD 2 - Natural Patterns and Permaculture Design

Objective : Participants become aware of readily available natural resources

Take the participants on a short walk and ask them to make a list of all the useful,
available resources they can find.

The participants should come up with their own ideas. The answers listed below are only
supplied for the facilitator to prompt ideas and discussions.

  • Rocks – Which can be used for building houses, infrastructure, carving, etc.

  • Manure – Which can be used for compost and liquid fertilizer.

  • Mulch material – Which can be used for saving water and top soil.

  • Planting stock and seeds – Which can be used for planting, trading, etc.

  • Mud – Which can be used for terracing, pottery, and building.

  • Fodder – Which can be used for animal food.

  • Trees – Which can be used for carving, sculptures, food, medicine, etc.

After the observation walk, participants can share their finding with each
other in a small forum.




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