Power Plant Engineering

(Ron) #1

Most of the naturally occurring isotopes are stable. Those that are not stable, i.e., radioactive, are
some isotopes of the heavy elements thallium (Z = 81), lead (Z = 82), and bismuth (Z = 83) and all the
isotopes of the heavier elements beginning with polonium (Z = 84). A few lower-mass naturally occur-
ring isotopes are radioactive, such as K^40 , Rb^87 and In^115. In addition, several thousand artificially pro-
duced isotopes of all masses are radioactive. Natural and artificial radioactive isotopes, also called
radioisotopes, have similar disintegration rate mechanisms. Fig. 10.5 shows a Z-N chart of the known
Radioactivity means that a radioactive isotope
continuously undergoes spontaneous (i.e., without out-
side help) disintegration, usually with the emission of
one or more smaller particles from the parent nucleus,
changing it into another, or daughter, nucleus. The par-
ent nucleus is said to decay into the daughter nucleus.
The daughter may or may not be stable, and several suc-
cessive decays may occur until a stable isotope is formed.
An example of radioactivity is
49 In

(^115) =
50 Sn
(^115) +
Radioactivity is always accompanied by a de-
crease in mass and is thus always exothermic. The en-
ergy liberated shows up as kinetic energy of the emitted
particles and as y radiation. The light particle is ejected
at high speed, whereas the heavy one recoils at a much
slower pace in an opposite direction.
Naturally occurring radio isotopes emit α, 3, or y particles or radiations. The artificial isotopes,
in addition to the above, emit or undergo the following particles or reactions: positrons; orbital electron
absorption, called K capture; and neutrons. In addition, neutrino emission accompanies β emission (of
either sign).
Alpha decay. Alpha particles are helium nuclei, each consisting of two protons and two neu-
trons. They are commonly emitted by the heavier radioactive nuclei. An example is the decay of Pu^239
into fissionable U^235
94 Pu
(^239) =
92 U
(^235) +
2 He
Beta decay. An example of β decay is
82 Pb
(^214) =
83 Bi
(^214) +
(^0) + ν
where ν, the symbol for the neutrino, is often dropped from the equation. The penetrating power of β
particles is small compared with that of y-rays but is larger than that of a particles. 6- and a-particle
decay are usually accompanied by the emission of y radiation.
Gamma radiation. This is electromagnetic radiation of extremely short wavelength and very
high frequency and therefore high energy. γ-rays and X-rays are physically similar but differ in their
origin and energy: γ-rays from the nucleus, and X-rays from the atom because of orbital electrons chang-
ing orbits or energy levels. Gamma wave-lengths are, on an average, about one-tenth those of X-rays,
although the energy ranges overlap somewhat. Gamma decay does not alter either the atomic or mass
100 80 60 40 20
100 120 140 160
Atomic number Z
Neutron number N
(^240220) er A
Z – (^) N
Fig. 10.5. Z-N Chart.

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