It is estimated that the total energy used in U.S.A. for air-conditioning is equivalent to the
total energy used for heating the offices and residences. The low-grade energy exhaust by the
thermal plants is not readily usable for air-conditioning purposes. It is possible to use this
energy by stopping the expansion of steam at a temperature of 95°C to 100°C and use of this
energy can be made to drive an absorption refrigeration system such as lithium bromide water
system. This will be a definite positive answer to reduce the thermal pollution of environment
otherwise caused by burning extra fuel to run the absorption refrigeration system in summer
or to run the heating systems in winter.
As for open field irrigation, soil heating with warm water and better cultivation of the fishes
in slightly warm water. In short, a combination of uses could consume all heat from a large
thermal power station, making conventional cooling unnecessary and reduce the generating
cost with minimum thermal pollution of the atmosphere.
- Use the sun energy for the production of power that is absolutely free from air-pollution.
13.21 Control of Marine Pollution
Demographic pressure and rapid industrialisation has led to increased generation of wastes, and,
these wastes reach the sea either directly or indirectly through rivers. This has caused pollution in the
marine environment particularly in the coastal waters. Besides these sources, release of agricultural
wastes containing pesticide residues and operational releases of ships and tankers containing oil, also
cause pollution in the marine environment.
In order to monitor the levels of marine pollutants in a systematic manner as well as to quantify
their transport rates from land-based sources to the sea, a well-knit multi institutional programme on
Environmental Monitoring and Modelling has been launched by establishing an Apex Centre at Re-
gional Centre, National Institute of Oceanography, Bombay and ten units at expert institutions such as
NIO, Goa and its regional centres at Cochin and Waltair, Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research
Institute (Bhavnagar), Centre for Earth Science Studies (Trivandrum), units of Central Electrochemical
Research Institute at Tuticorin and Madras, Regional Research Laboratory (Bhubaneswar), Zonal Of-
fice, Central Pollution Control Board (Calcutta) and the DOD Centre in the Andaman and Nicobar
Islands. As a supportive measure for the develop-ment of suitable methodology on monitoring and
modelling, DOD supported cells at Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation
(Bangalore), Regional Research Laboratory (Trivandrum) and National Environmental Engineering Re-
search Institute (Nagpur), have also been established. The programme, after considerable amount of
generation of data, is expected to provide knowledge on behaviour of pollutants in the sea and trends on
fluctuation of pollutants in the sea, which will be useful in the pollution abatement measures.
1.What do you know about environment pollution due to energy uses?
2.Explain environment pollution due to industrial emissions.
3.Explain environment pollution due to road transport.