Time Management

(Elliott) #1

to stand back and engage in self-analysis and introspec-
tion—slow thinking—is essential for you to organize your
time in such a way that you are the most productive, and
that you are achieving the greatest amount of joy, satisfac-
tion, and happiness from what you do.

Keep the End in Mind
Be clear about what outcomes you desire. As Stephen Covey
said, “Start with the end in mind.” What is the final result,
outcome, or accomplishment that you are striving to
achieve? Where do you want to end up at the end of the day?
As you scramble up the ladder of success, be sure that it is
leaning against the right building.
Are you working so that you can earn enough money to
be secure and to feel happy? Are you working because you
love your work, or because you feel you’re on a mission to
accomplish something that is very important?
What would your world look like if you accomplished
your biggest goal? What is your vision for yourself and your
career over the long term? What is your mission? What dif-
ference do you want to make in the lives of other people?
If all you are working for is to earn enough money to pay
your bills, it’s going to be hard for you to build up and main-
tain a high level of commitment and enthusiasm. To be truly
happy and fulfilled, you must be working toward accom-
plishing something that is bigger than yourself, and that
makes a difference in the life or work of others.

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