Time Management

(Elliott) #1

13 Overcome Procrastination


IT HAS BEEN SAIDthat “procrastination is the thief of
time.” A wise man in one of my seminars expanded on that
by saying, “Procrastination is the thief of life.”
Your ability to overcome procrastination and to get the
job done on schedule can make all the difference between
success and failure in your career.
However, the fact is that everyone procrastinates.
Everyone has too much to do and too little time. But if every-
one procrastinates, what is the difference between the high
producer and the low producer?
Simple. The high producerprocrastinates on tasks and
activities of low or no value. The low producerprocrastinates
on tasks that have considerable value to the company and to
the individual’s own career. For you to produce at your max-

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