Time Management

(Elliott) #1

completely so that you can free up more time to do things
of greater importance.

Develop a System
Over the years, I have developed the rhythm and habit of
reading three or more hours each day on subjects related to
business, economics, politics, and personal development.
That amounts to more than 150,000 hours of reading over
the course of my career. With the information that I accu-
mulated, I have been able to write more than sixty books,
including this one.
When people ask me how it is that I can read so much,
my explanation is simple. I organize my reading and work
away at it a little bit at a time, minute by minute, hour by
hour, flight by flight, and whenever I have a period of free
time, such as in an airport lounge waiting for a plane.
Remember, “readers are leaders.” It is not possible for
you to keep current with your field and be on top of your
industry unless you are feeding your mind, continually but
selectively, with the information that is being generated
today by some of the smartest people who ever lived.


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