Biodiversity Conservation and Phylogenetic Systematics

(Marcin) #1

The three phylogenetic weightings give very similar results. The pair-wise
Spearman rank correlations between these differently weighted Zonation analyses
were very high (low-medium: 0.9965, low-high: 0.9916, and medium-high: 0.9987).
Therefore, in the following analyses we used the medium weighting only, which
cell cost (see Fig. 1 ).

Fig. 2 Zonation priority maps for mammals in Europe. The red tones represent the best 10 % of
the solution and blue tones indicate the lowest 50 % of cells. (a) Is the basic, core-area Zonation
solution for our data where conservation value in Zonation optimization is only based on species
richness normalised by range size. (b) Is the Zonation solution where the conservation value of a
cell is weighted with the medium variant of the phylogenetic diversity, i.e. the inverse of the equiv-
alent number of Rao’s quadratic entropy for the local community in each cell is used as cell costs.
(c) Shows the national level basic Zonation priorities and (d) is the national analysis with phyloge-
netic diversity included

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