Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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146 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success


The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R.6) was en-
acted into law December 19, 2007. Key provisions of the law are summa-
rized below.

Title I Energy Security through
Improved Vehicle Fuel Economy

  • The Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) sets a target of 35
    miles per gallon for the combined fleet of cars and light trucks by

  • The law establishes a loan guarantee program for advanced bat-
    tery development, a grant program for plug-in hybrid vehicles,
    incentives for purchasing heavy-duty hybrid vehicles for fleets,
    and credits for various electric vehicles.

Title II Energy Security through
Increased Production of Biofuels

  • The law increases the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS), which sets
    annual requirements for the quantity of renewable fuels produced
    and used in motor vehicles. RFS requires 9 billion gallons of re-
    newable fuels in 2008, increasing to 36 billion gallons in 2022.

Title III Energy Savings Through
Improved Standards for Appliances and Lighting

  • The law establishes new efficiency standards for motors, external
    power supplies, residential clothes washers, dishwashers, dehu-
    midifiers, refrigerators, refrigerator freezers, and residential boil-

  • It contains a set of national standards for light bulbs. The first part
    of the standard would increase energy efficiency of light bulbs 30%
    and phase out most common types of incandescent light bulb by

  • It requires the federal government to substitute energy efficient
    lighting for incandescent bulbs.

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