Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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152 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success

  • Gives the private sector an opportunity to establish voluntary ef-
    ficiency information/labeling programs for windows, office equip-
    ment and luminaries (or the Department of Energy will establish
    such programs).

Renewable Energy

  • Establishes a program for providing federal support on a competi-
    tive basis for renewable energy technologies. Expands program to
    promote export of these renewable energy technologies to emerg-
    ing markets in developing countries.

Alternative Fuels

  • Gives Department of Energy authority to require a private and
    municipal alternative fuel fleet program, starting in 1998. Provides
    a federal alternative fuel fleet program with phased-in acquisition
    schedule; also provides state fleet program for large fleets in large

Electric Vehicles
Establishes comprehensive program for the research and develop-
ment, infrastructure promotion, and vehicle demonstration for
electric motor vehicle.


  • Removes obstacles to wholesale power competition in the Public
    Utilities Holding Company Act by allowing both utilities and non-
    utilities to form exempt wholesale generators without triggering
    the PUHCA restrictions.

Global Climate Change

  • Directs the Energy Information Administration to establish a
    baseline inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and establishes a
    program for the voluntary reporting of those emissions. Directs the
    Department of Energy to prepare a report analyzing the strategies
    for mitigating global climate change and to develop a least-cost
    energy strategy for reducing the generation of greenhouse gases.

Research and Development

  • Directs Dept. of Energy to undertake research and development on

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