Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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162 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success

to measure illumination levels in facilities. A lightmeter that reads in
footcandles allows direct analysis of lighting systems and comparison
with recommended light levels specified by the Illuminating Engineer-
ing Society. A digital lightmeter that is portable and can be hand carried
is the most useful. Many areas in buildings and plants are still signifi-
cantly over-lighted, and measuring this excess illumination then allows
the auditor to recommend a reduction in lighting levels either through
lamp removal programs or by replacing inefficient lamps with high
efficiency lamps that may not supply the same amount of illumination
as the old inefficient lamps.

Several thermometers are generally needed to measure tempera-
tures in offices and other worker areas, as well as to measure the tem-
perature of operating equipment. Knowing process temperatures allows
the auditor to determine process equipment efficiencies and identify
waste heat sources for potential heat recovery programs. Inexpensive
electronic thermometers with interchangeable probes are now available
to measure temperatures in both these areas. Some common types in-
clude an immersion probe, a surface temperature probe, and a radiation
shielded probe for measuring true air temperature. Other types of infra-
red thermometers and thermographic equipment are also available. An
infra-red “gun” is valuable for measuring temperatures of steam lines
that are not readily reached without a ladder.

Infrared Cameras
I nfrared cameras have come down in price substantially, but they
are still rather expensive pieces of equipment. An investment of at
least $10,000-15,000 is needed to have a good-quality infrared camera.
However, these are very versatile pieces of equipment and can be used
to find overheated electrical wires, connections, neutrals, circuit break-
ers, transformers, motors, and other pieces of electrical equipment.
They can also be used to find wet insulation, missing insulation, roof
leaks, and cold spots. Thus, infrared cameras are excellent tools for
both safety related diagnostics and energy savings diagnostics. A good
rule of thumb is that if one safety hazard is found during an infrared
scan of a facility, then that has paid for the cost of the scan for the
entire facility. Many insurers require infrared scans of buildings for
facilities once a year.

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