Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

(singke) #1
The Energy Audit 175

analysis to examine alternative equipment and operations that
would reduce energy costs for heating, ventilating, and air condi-

  • Electric Motors: An inventory of all electric motors over one horse-
    power should also be taken. Prepared data sheets can be used to
    record motor size, use, age, model number, estimated hours of
    operation, other electrical characteristics, and possibly the operat-
    ing power factor. Measurement of voltages, currents, and power
    factors may be appropriate for some motors. Notes should be
    taken on the use of motors, particularly recording those that are
    infrequently used and might be candidates for peak load control
    or shifting use to off-peak times. All motors over one hp and with
    times of use of 2000 hours per year or greater are likely candidates
    for replacement by high efficiency motors—at least when they fail
    and must be replaced.

  • Water Heaters: All water heaters should be examined, with data
    recorded on their type, size, age, model number, electrical charac-
    teristics or fuel use. What the hot water is used for, how much is
    used, and what time it is used should all be noted. Temperature
    of the hot water should be measured.

  • Waste Heat Sources: Most facilities have many sources of waste
    heat, providing possible opportunities for waste heat recovery to
    be used as the substantial or total source of needed hot water.
    Waste heat sources are air conditioners, air compressors, heaters
    and boilers, process cooling systems, ovens, furnaces, cookers,
    and many others. Temperature measurements for these waste heat
    sources are necessary to analyze them for replacing the operation
    of the existing water heaters.

  • Peak Equipment Loads: The auditor should particularly look for
    any piece of electrically powered equipment that is used infre-
    quently or whose use could be controlled and shifted to offpeak
    times. Examples of infrequently used equipment include trash
    compactors, fire sprinkler system pumps (testing), certain types of
    welders, drying ovens, and any type of back-up machine. Some
    production machines might be able to be scheduled for off-peak.

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