Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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The Energy Audit 185

ogy are available. Data sources are extremely valuable here; auditors
should maintain a library of information on processes and technology
and should know where to find additional information from research
organizations, government facilities, equipment suppliers, and other

The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the Gas Research
Institute (GRI) are both excellent sources of information on the latest tech-
nologies of using electric energy or gas. EPRI has a large number of on-go-
ing projects to show the cost-effectiveness of electro-technologies using
new processes for heating, drying, cooling, etc. GRI also has a large num-
ber of projects underway to help promote the use of new cost-effective gas
technologies for heating, drying, cooling, etc. Both of these organizations
provide extensive documentation of their processes and technologies;
they also have computer data bases to aid customer inquiries.

U.S. DOE Industrial Division
The U.S. Department of Energy has an Industrial Division that
provides a rich source of information on new technologies and new
processes. This division funds research into new processes and technolo-
gies, and it also funds many demonstration projects to help insure that
promising improvements get implemented in appropriate industries.
The Industrial Division of USDOE also maintains a wide network of
contacts with government-related research laboratories, such as Oak
Ridge National Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratory, and Bat-
telle National Laboratory. These laboratories have many of their own
research, development and demonstration programs for improved in-
dustrial and commercial technologies.

State Energy Offices
State energy offices are also good sources of information, as well
as good contacts to see what kind of incentive programs might be
available in the state. Many states offer programs of free boiler tune-
ups, free air conditioning system checks, seminars on energy efficiency
for various facilities, and other services. Most state energy offices have
well-stocked energy libraries and are also tied into other state energy
research organizations, national laboratories, and the USDOE.

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