Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

(singke) #1
The Energy Audit 191


Implementation of new energy-related standards and practices
has contributed to an enhancement of indoor air quality. In fact, in
many homes, businesses and factories, the quality of indoor air has
been found to exceed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
standards for outdoor air! Thus, testing for indoor air quality prob-
lems is done in some energy audits both to prevent exacerbating any
existing problems and to recommend ECOs that might improve air
quality. Air quality standards for the industrial environment have
been published by the American Council of Governmental Industrial
Hygienists (ACGIH) in their booklet “Threshold Limit Values.” No
such standards currently exist for the residential and commercial envi-
ronments, although the ACGIH standards are typically (perhaps inap-
propriately) used. The EPA has been working to develop residential
and commercial standards for quite some time.

Symptoms of Air Quality Problems
Symptoms of poor indoor air quality include, but are not limited
to: headaches; irritation of mucous membranes such as the nose, mouth,
throat, lungs; tearing, redness and irritation of the eyes; numbness of the
lips, mouth, and throat; mood swings; fatigue; allergies; coughing; nasal
and throat discharge; and irritability. Chronic exposure to some com-
pounds can lead to damage to internal organs such as the liver, kidney,
lungs, and brain; even cancer and death have been associated with it.

Testing is required to determine if the air quality is acceptable.
Many dangerous compounds, like carbon monoxide and methane
without odorant added, are odorless and colorless. Some dangerous
particulates such as asbestos fi bers do not give any indication of a prob-
lem for up to twenty years after inhalation. Testing must be conducted
in conjunction with pollution-producing processes to ensure capture
of the contaminants. Such testing is usually performed by a Certifi ed
Industrial Hygienist (CIH).

Types of Pollutants
Airstreams have three types of contaminants: particulates like

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