Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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8 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success

or not the new truck actually saves money.

  1. With a “flexible payment plan,” where the savings from the new
    truck are shared with the third party until the truck’s purchase
    cost is recouped with interest. This is basically a “shared savings”

Subcontract Pizza Delivery to a Third Party
Since PizzaCo’s primary business is not delivery, it could subcon-
tract that responsibility to another company. Let’s say that a delivery
service company would provide a truck and deliver the pizzas at a
reduced cost. Each month, PizzaCo would pay the delivery service
company a fee. However, this fee is guaranteed to be less than what
PizzaCo would have spent on delivery. Thus, PizzaCo would obtain
savings without investing any money or risk in a new truck. This
arrangement is analogous to a performance contract. A performance
contract can take many forms; however, the “performance” aspect
is usually backed by a guarantee on operational performance from
the contractor. In some performance contracts, the host can own the
equipment and the guarantee assures that the operational benefits are
greater than the finance payments. Alternatively, some performance
contracts can be viewed as “outsourcing,” where the contractor owns
the equipment and provides a “service” to the host.
This arrangement is very similar to a third-party lease. However,
with a performance contract, the contractor assumes most of the risk,

Figure 2-4. PizzaCo’s Cash Flows for a Capital Lease.
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