Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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Appendix A 259

PW = – 20000 + 3500(P|A,10%,10) – 500(P|A,10%,10)

PW = – 20000 + 3500(6.1446) – 500(6.1446)

PW = – 20000.00 + 21506.10 – 3072.30 = – $1566.20

Decision: PW<0 (-$1566.20<0.0); therefore, the economizer is not attrac-

Example 38
If the economizer from Example 37 has a salvage value of $5000 at the
end of 10 years, is the investment attractive?

Using present worth as the measure of worth:

PW = – 20000 + 3500*(P|A,10%,10)

  • 500(P|A,10%,10) + 5000(P|F,10%,10)

PW = – 20000 + 3500(6.1446) – 500(6.1446) + 5000*(0.3855)

PW = – 20000.00 + 21506.10 – 3072.30 + 1927.50 = $361.30

Decision: PW≥0 ($361.30≥0.0); therefore, the economizer is now attrac-

A.11 References
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Fuller, S.K. and S.R. Petersen, 1994, NISTIR 5165: Life-Cycle Costing Workshop for Energy
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Fuller, S.K. and S.R. Petersen, 1995, NIST Handbook 135: Life-Cycle Costing Manual for
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Sullivan, W.G. and J.A. Bontadelli, 1980, “The Industrial Engineer and Inflation,” Industrial
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