Appendix B 283
1 Gregory Kats (Chair), Department of Energy, USA
2 Jim Halpern (Vice Chair), Measuring and Monitoring Services
Inc., USA
3 John Armstrong, Hagler Bailly Services, USA
4 Flavio Conti, European Commission, Italy
5 Drury Crawley, US Department of Energy, USA
6 Dave Dayton, HEC Energy, USA
7 Adam Gula, Polish Foundation for Energy Efficiency, Poland
8 Shirley Hansen, Kiona International, USA
9 Leja Hattiangadi, TCE Consulting Engineers Limited, India
10 Maury Hepner, Enron Energy Services, USA
11 Chaan-min Lin, Hong Kong Productivity Council, Hong Kong
12 Arthur Rosenfeld, California Energy Commission, USA
1 John Cowan (Co-chair and Technical Editor), Cowan Quality
Buildings, Canada
2 Steve Kromer (Co-chair), Enron Energy Services, USA
3 David E. Claridge, Texas A & M University, USA
4 Ellen Franconi, Schiller Associates, USA
5 Jeff S. Haberl, Texas A & M University, USA
6 Maury Hepner, Enron Energy Services, USA
7 Satish Kumar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
8 Eng Lock Lee, Supersymmetry Services Pvt. Ltd., Singapore
9 Mark Martinez, Southern California Edison, USA
10 David McGeown, NewEnergy, Inc., USA
11 Steve Schiller, Schiller Associates, USA
Co-chair: Hemant Joshi, Credit Rating Information Services of
India Limited (CRISIL), India
Co-chair: Jayant Sathaye, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Co-chair: Ed Vine, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Chair: Bill Fisk, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA