Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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Appendix B 295

institutional and industrial buildings, and industrial processes.

  • Provides outline procedures which i) can be applied to similar
    projects throughout all geographic regions, and ii) are internation-
    ally accepted, impartial and reliable.

  • Presents procedures, with varying levels of accuracy and cost, for
    measuring and/or verifying: i) baseline and project installation
    conditions, and ii) long-term energy savings.

  • Provides a comprehensive approach to ensuring that building in-
    door environmental quality issues are addressed in all phases of
    ECM design, implementation and maintenance.

  • Creates a living document that includes a set of methodologies
    and procedures that enable the document to evolve over time.

1.2.2 Audience for Protocol
The target audience for this Protocol includes:
— Facility Energy Managers
— Project Developers and/or Implementers
— ESCOs (Energy Service Companies)
— WASCOs (Water Service Companies)
— Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
— Finance Firms
— Development Banks
— Consultants
— Government Policy Makers
— Utility Executives
— Environmental Managers
— Researchers

International efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have
also increased the need for standardized tools such as the IPMVP, to
cost-effectively measure the economic and environmental benefits of
energy efficiency projects. The vast majority of climate scientists have
concluded that “the balance of evidence suggests that human activities

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