Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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318 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success

continuous or periodic. Annual costs should be expected to be highest
at the beginning of the post-retrofit period. At this stage in a project
measurement processes are being refined, and closer monitoring of
performance is needed to optimize ECM operation. Some projects may
cease reporting savings after a defined “test” period, though metering
maybe left in place for real time feedback to operating staff
The appropriate cost for each savings determination should be
determined in proportion to the expected savings their potential vari-
ability. Option A: Best Applications
Option A is best applied where:

  • the performance of only the systems affected by the ECM is of
    concern, either due to the responsibilities assigned to the parties
    in a performance contract or due to the savings of the ECM being
    too small to be detected in the time available using Option C.

  • interactive effects between ECMs or with other facility equipment
    can be measured or assumed to be not significant.

  • isolation of the ECM from the rest of the facility and stipulation
    of key factors may avoid possibly difficult non-routine Baseline
    Adjustments for future changes to the facility.

  • the independent variables that affect energy use are not complex
    and excessively difficult or expensive to monitor.

  • submeters already exist to isolate energy use of systems.

  • meters added for isolation purposes will be used for other pur-
    poses such as operational feedback or tenant billing.

  • the uncertainty created by stipulations is acceptable.

  • the continued effectiveness of the ECM can be assessed by routine
    visual inspection of stipulated parameters.

  • stipulation of some parameters is less costly than measurement of
    them in Option B or simulation in Option D.

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