Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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320 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success

sibly difficult non-routine Baseline Adjustments for future changes
to the facility.

  • the independent variables that affect energy use are not complex
    and excessively difficult or expensive to monitor.

  • submeters already exist to isolate energy use of systems.

  • meters added for isolation purposes will be used for other pur-
    poses such as operational feedback or tenant billing.

  • measurement of parameters is less costly than simulation in Op-
    tion D.

3.4.3 Option C: Whole Building
Option C involves use of utility meters or whole building sub-
meters to assess the energy performance of a total building. Option C
assesses the impact of any type of ECM, but not individually if more
than one is applied to an energy meter. This Option determines the col-
lective savings of all ECMs applied to the part of the facility monitored
by the energy meter. Also, since whole building meters are used, savings
reported under Option C include the impact of any other changes made
in facility energy use (positive or negative).
Option C may be used in cases where there is a high degree of
interaction between installed ECMs or between ECMs and the rest of
the building, or the isolation and measurement of individual ECM(s) is
difficult or too costly.
This Option is intended for projects where savings are expected
to be large enough to be discernible from the random or unexplained
energy variations that are normally found at the level of the whole
facility meter. The larger the saving, or the smaller the unexplained
variations in the baseyear, the easier it will be to identify savings. Also
the longer the period of savings analysis after ECM installation, the less
significant is the impact of short term unexplained variations. Typically
savings should be more than 10% of the baseyear energy use if they are
to be separated from the noise in baseyear data.
Periodic inspections should be made of all equipment and op-
erations in the facility after ECM installation. These inspections will
identify changes from baseyear conditions or intended operations.

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