332 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success
- The M&V plan should list the reports to be prepared, their con-
tents and formats, and a stipulated time frame during which they
should be furnished. - All terminology should be consistent with IPMVP definitions.
Chapter 4
Common Issues^1
Many factors affect the performance of equipment and achieve-
ment of savings. Depending upon the scope of the savings determina-
tion (its boundaries), the range of parameters of concern can be very
focused (specific ECMs) or as wide as the whole facility.
Parameters that are predictable and measurable can be used for
routine adjustments in Equation 1 of Chapter 3. Such adjustments re-
duce the variability in reported savings, or provide a greater degree
of certainty in reported savings. Unpredictable parameters within the
boundaries of a savings determination may require future non-routine
Baseline Adjustments (e.g. future loss of tenants). Unmeasured param-
eters give rise to savings fluctuations for which no adjustment can be
computed, only guessed (e.g. air infiltration rate).
Therefore, when planning an M&V process, consideration should
be given to 1) predictability, 2) measurability and 3) likely impact of all
plausible factors in each category below:
- Weather
- Occupancy level, schedule
- Installed equipment intensity, schedule
- Occupant or user demand for services (e.g. space temperature,
plant throughput)
- Common issues arising when using the options laid out in Chapter 3 are
discussed in this Section. Measurement issues are in Chapter 5.