Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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338 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success

sake of standards compliance, and iv) changes in occupancy, schedule
or throughput.
Baseline Adjustments are not needed where:

  • the variable is included in the mathematical model developed for
    the project

  • changes affect a variable that was stipulated in the M&V Plan. For
    example if the number of ton-hours of cooling were stipulated for
    a chiller efficiency ECM, an increase in the cooling ton-hours will
    not affect the savings determined by the agreed simplified method,
    though actual savings will change.

  • changes occur to equipment beyond the boundary of the savings
    determination. For example if the boundary includes only the
    lighting system, for a lighting retrofit, addition of personal com-
    puters to the space will not affect the savings determination.

Baseyear conditions need to be well documented in the M&V
Plan so that proper adjustments can be made (see Chapter 3.3). It is
also important to have a method of tracking and reporting changes to
these conditions. This tracking of conditions may be performed by one
or more of the facility owner, the agent determining savings, or a third
party verifier. It should be established in the M&V Plain who will track
and report each condition recorded for the baseyear and what, if any
other aspects of facility operation will be monitored.
Where the nature of future changes can be anticipated, methods
for making the relevant non-routine Baseline Adjustments should be
included in the M&V Plan.
Non-routine Baseline Adjustments are determined from actual or
assumed physical changes in equipment or operations. Sometimes it
may be difficult to identify the impact of changes. If the facility’s energy
consumption record is used to identify such changes, the impact of the
ECMs on the metered energy consumption must first be removed by
Option B techniques.

Where monthly energy measurements are used, weather data
should be recorded daily and matched to the actual energy metering

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