366 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success
tor training and occupant awareness campaigns. The objectives of the
project were to reduce energy costs.
M& V Plan
An M&V Plan was developed showing that Option C was to be
used for savings determination because total facility energy cost was
the focus. An outline of the Plan is shown below:
- The boundary of this savings determination was defined as:
— The main electricity account #766A234-593 including demand
— The auxiliary electrical account #766B 122-601 serving the field
— The natural gas account #KHJR3333-597
- The baseyear conditions are those of the 12 months immediately
preceding the decision to proceed with the project. Included in the
documentation of these conditions is:
— a lighting level survey, with a count of the number of burned
out lamps in January and June;
— a summary of typical space temperatures and humidities dur-
ing occupied and unoccupied periods in each of four seasons;
— a count of the number and size of all computers, monitors and
printers, along with an estimate of the operating hours of each;
— a record of the number of day pupils and evening courses each
month of the year;
— a record of the number of public rental hours of the gym, caf-
eteria and pool each month;
— a count of the number of window air conditioning units in-
— the temperature setting of pool water, and domestic hot water
serving the pool showers, the gym showers and the rest of the