Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

(singke) #1

368 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success

  • Savings will be determined under post-retrofit conditions.

  • The savings calculation process shown below was summarized in
    the M&V Plan.

  • The school has provided XYZ contractor authorization to receive
    energy use data from the electric and gas utility companies until

  • Savings are to be computed and reported monthly by XYZ contrac-
    tor in a format for physical plant staff to understand and quarterly
    in a format for teaching staff and students to understand. This
    reporting is to begin immediately after ECM completion. It will
    continue at this rate for eight years.

  • Annually the school will report any changes in the baseyear con-
    ditions listed above, within a month after the end of each school
    year. XYZ contractor will compute the energy impact of these
    changes and any others that it believes are relevant and present
    Non-Routine Baseline Adjustments two months before the end of
    the school board’s fiscal year.

  • This savings determination process is expected to require a data
    entry and utility bill analyst 10 hours each year and an engineer
    5 hours to review reports for accuracy and establish suitable com-
    putations for Non-Routine Baseline Adjustments. Total cost each
    year is expected to be about $ 1,000 including reporting.

The CV (RMSE) of the baseyear models range from 5% to 18% and
are far less than the expected savings of 35% for both fuel and electric-
ity. No sampling or instrumentation error exists. Therefore the reported
savings will be statistically significant, subject to any error introduced
through non-routine baseline adjustments which may arise.

Baseyear Energy Use
The baseyear energy use for Equation 1 is taken directly from the
utility bills without adjustment. The data were tabulated in the M&V

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