Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

(singke) #1

Appendix C 399

1 John Cowan (Co-chair), Cowan Quality Buildings, Canada
2 Steve Kromer (Co-chair), Enron Energy Services, USA
3 David E. Claridge, Texas A&M University, USA
4 Ellen Franconi, Schiller Associates, USA
5 Jeff S. Haberl, Texas A&M University, USA
6 Maury Hepner, Enron Energy Services, USA
7 Satish Kumar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
8 Eng Lock Lee, Supersymmetry Services Pvt. Ltd., Singapore
9 Mark Martinez, Southern California Edison, USA
10 David McGeown, NewEnergy, Inc., USA
11 Steve Schiller, Schiller Associates, USA

1 Bill Fisk (Chair), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
2 Jim Bailey, Building Dynamics, USA
3 Dave Birr, Synchronous Energy Solutions, USA
4 Steve Brown, CSIRO, Australia
5 Andrew Cripps, Building Research Establishment, UK
6 John Doggart, ECD Energy and Environment, UK
7 Dale Gilbert, Built Environment Research, Australia
8 Mike Jawer, Building Owners & Managers Association, USA
9 Gregory Kats, Department of Energy, USA
10 Ken-ichi Kimura, Waseda University, Japan
11 Satish Kumar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
12 Hal Levin, Hal Levin & Associates, USA
13 Richard Little, National Academy of Sciences, USA
14 David Mudarri, Environmental Protection Agency, USA
15 Tedd Nathanson, Public Works and Government Services, Cana-
16 Andy Persily, National Institute of Standards and Technology,
17 Arthur Rosenfeld, California Energy Commission, USA
18 Sumeet Saksena, Tata Energy Research Institute, India
19 Olli Seppanen, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
20 Jan Sundell, Int 1 Center for Indoor Environment and Energy,
21 Steve Turner, Chelsea Group, USA
22 Ole Valbjoern, Danish Building Research Institute, Denmark

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