Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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402 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success



This year 2000 edition of International Performance Measurement
and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) has been expanded to address indoor
environmental quality (IEQ) issues. It provides information that will
help energy efficiency professionals and building owners and managers
maintain or improve IEQ and occupant health and comfort during the
implementation of building energy conservation measures in retrofits
or new construction of commercial and public buildings.
Volume II focuses exclusively on indoor environmental quality
issues (See Preface of Volume I for overview of IPMVP). This volume
starts with a general introduction to IEQ. Best practices for maintain-
ing a high level of IEQ are then reviewed. The potential positive and
negative influences of specific energy conservation measures on IEQ
are summarized in a tabular format in Section 5. The remainder of the
document addresses IEQ measurement and verification procedures that
may be used to address the following goals: 1) ensure that the energy
conservation measures have no adverse influence on IEQ, 2) quantify
the improvements in IEQ resulting from implementation of energy con-
servation measures, and 3) verify that selected IEQ parameters satisfy
the applicable IEQ guidelines or standards. A multi-step procedure for
IEQ measurement and verification is presented, followed by a discus-
sion of general approaches for measurement and verification and then
by a table of measurement and verification alternatives linked to specific
IEQ parameters.
This document has been prepared by an international team of IEQ
and building energy efficiency experts and reflects the current state of
knowledge. The IPMVP, including the IEQ volume will be updated
every two years.



The International Performance Measurement and Verification
Protocol (IPMVP) provides a framework and guidance for the measure-

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