Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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426 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success

variation over time, c) building and HVAC design, d) commissioning,
e) training and education, and f) building operation and maintenance.

The establishment and implementation of IEQ management plans
is recommended to help maintain high quality IEQ and a high level of
occupant satisfaction with IEQ. Common elements of IEQ management
plans include the following^2 :

1 Selecting an IEQ manager, responsible for management and coor-
dination of all aspects of IEQ

2 Developing an IEQ profile of the building

3 Assigning responsibilities and training of staff

4 Development of an IEQ checklist

5 Periodic building and HVAC system inspections

6 Facility operation and maintenance practices to maintain IEQ

7 Specific procedures to record and respond to occupant complaints

8 Special practices to maintain IEQ during building renovation,
painting, pesticide use, or other periods of high indoor pollutant

9 Maintaining IEQ documentation

In the US, an independent non-profit private sector program called
the Building Air Quality Alliance (BAQA) offers recognition to building
owners and managers who commit to maintaining IAQ primarily through
implementation of a proactive management plan. BAQA (http://www. has a practical step-by-step protocol in checklist form that is
reviewed annually with the assistance of an IEQ professional.
An IEQ insurance policy is becoming available for buildings that
follow BAQA guidelines. Other IEQ insurance policies under develop-
ment are not specifically linked to the BAQA process but reportedly

  1. For a more detailed description of elements in an IEQ management plan,
    see Building Air Quality Action Plan, U.S. EPA and NIOSH, http://www.

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