Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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448 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success

To implement this guideline, the following actions are recom-

1 Develop a general knowledge of IEQ through a review of Section
4 and 5 or equivalent documentation.

2 For the energy conservation measures that will be implemented,
use able 2, Section 7T , and supplemental information as necessary
to determine: a) the potential impacts of the energy conservation
measures on IEQ; and b) the associated precautions or mitigation

3 Select a goal for IEQ M&V from Section 8.2.

4 Based on the energy conservation measures and goal, select an
IEQ M&V approach from Section 8.5.

5 Assuming that the selected IEQ M&V approach is not Approach
I (no IEQ M&V), select and implement an IEQ M&V alternative
from Table 4. During implementation, utilize, as appropriate, steps
4-10 of the M&V procedure described in Table 3. If Table 4 does
not include an acceptable IEQ M&V Alternative, other alternatives
may be developed and utilized.

6 Prepare and distribute written documentation of the IEQ M&V
process that includes descriptions and justifications of important
decisions and procedures plus a summary and interpretation of

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