Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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Choosing the Right Financing 77

future operating budgets in order to pay for the needed energy efficiency
improvements today. Practical suggestions that support the urgency of
implementing these projects were shared, and showing how to quantify
the costs of delay was outlined. One section reviewed useful, field-tested
ENERGY STAR tools and resources that are in the public domain and
yours to use. Finally, potential sources of low- or no-cost funding for your
projects were discussed, along with a variety of alternative financing ve-
Clearly, a decision not to install more energy-efficient equipment
and implement related energy-saving measures is a decision to continue
paying higher utility bills to the utility company. Using the captured en-
ergy savings to pay for the financing of improvements is recommended,
essentially making them “self-liquidating” obligations.
Since these energy efficiency projects pay for themselves over time,
the bottom line is that choosing to delay energy improvements may be the
wrong decision and cost more in the long term.

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