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KisiiKitaleEldoretKakamegaKisumu KerichoBusiaBondoUgunjaEldamaRavine
BungomaWebuyeIsebaniaBometOlpusi MoruSareUG NakuruAN### DA### KENYA5 elephants, 201616 vultures, 20178 elephants, 201415 vultures, 3 lions,1 eagle, 1 jackal, 2015
7 lions, 20043 lions, 20061 elephant, 20163 lions, 200613 hyenas, 6 jackals, 201378 vultures, 2008``````3,186 birds, 20091,233 birds, 20151,028 birds, 2014``````Contested grasslandWildlife and humanscompete most heavily forresources in grasslands,where flocks graze andLethal wild animals subsist.
LandscapeTOXIC CASCADEAFRICAâS ANIMALS are increas-ingly losing ground to humanpressures. Habitat loss, especiallyto farming and grazing, is forcingpeople and wildlife to competefor finite space and resources.Farmers and pastoralists react withpowerful weapons: potent poisonssuch as carbo furan that can wreakhavoc not just on targeted wildlifebut also on the animals and humansaround them. Some 8,600 animalsare known to have been poisonedduring the past two decades.For every documented case,dozens go unreported.
WHY PESTICIDES ARE MISUSED WHERE THEYâRE APPLIEDPOISONED CARCASSPOISONED WATERPOISONED SEEDS AND FRUITSTo protect livestockPredators are poisoned inretaliation for eating cattle,chickens, and goats.``````To hunt animals for tradeA China-driven global demandfor animal partsâincludingivory and furâfuels the trade.``````Pesticides are added to carcasses placedto bait wildlife as well as to natural waterand food sources.``````To kill animals for meatMeat of fish and birds is soldwithout disclosing that theanimals were killed with poison.``````To safeguard cropsCrop-eating elephants, mon-keys, and birds are targetedto reduce farmersâ losses.MATTHEW W. CHWASTYK AND MANUEL CANALES, NGM STAFF. KELSEY NOWAKOWSKI. SOURCES: DARCY OGADA, PEREGRINE FUND; AFRICAN RAPTOR DATA& RESEARCH; AFRICAN WILDLIFE POISONING DATABASE, ENDANGERED WILDLIFE TRUST; DUTCH MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS; WWF-NETHERLANDS; RAPTORS MOU, UNEP/CMS; LIVING WITH LIONS; NORTH BANK, HABITAT INFO; WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITYCAROLINA ZOO; WDPA; NASA EOSDIS LAND PROCESSES CROP EXTENT; WRI; ROAD DATA © OPENSTREETMAP CONTRIBUTORS, AVAILABLE UNDER OPEN DATABASE LICENSE: OPENSTREETMAP.ORG/COPYRIGHT``````Contested grasslandWildlife and humanscompete most heavily forresources in grasslands,where livestock graze andwild animals subsist.``````Reported wildlife-poisoning incident2000â2018HighwayOther road or pathRailroadCroplandRangeland
martin jones
(Martin Jones)