quickly suggesting an action to the mark. At
the beginning of the next row, there are three
circular ellipses that have been done at speed.
Drawing quickly enables us to be more
relaxed and freer about our approach to
drawing. This is a good way of drawing an
ellipse, for the very simple reason that all
students want to aspire to perfection straight
away with one fine beautiful line. However, if
there is any inaccuracy in the line it is obvious
to the viewer that it is wrong. If however you
try to express the ellipse using a number of
lines the eye has more options to choose
from and usually there will be one of these
options that is right. This enables us to feel
happier with our attempt. The next series of
marks show a series of diagonal marks in
rows, which imply a sense of direction, and
pattern. Next to this is a series of dots that are
made by stabbing the end of the pen onto the
paper and this creates a textured like surface.
A number of vertical interlocking curly lines
give us a sense of intertwined wire like chain
mail. To imply a flower draw a spot for the
centre and then make a continuous looping
line around the outside of it - and underneath
the head of the flower we have a series of
closely knitted lines that imply the texture of
a certain type of leaf. Then a series of vertical
lines where the spacing becomes closer to the
right hand side gives the impression of a
gradual tonal change. Next to this is a
continuous line that forms a series of oblongs
to create what appears to be a geometric
spatial web. At the end of this row, there are
many quickly drawn lines that splay out from
a central stem giving the impression of some
type of natural form. At the start of the next
row, we have five rows of slightly overlapping
vertical lines – if you look at these lines from
the side one gets the impression of a woven
material, like a basket. Then next to that we