The unbelieving Quraysh of Makkah were bitterly set against the Prophet (r). Yet they
were absolutely convinced of his truthfulness and trustworthiness, nobility and magnanimi-
ty. If anybody in Makkah apprehended loss or misappropriation of his property, he usually
deposited it with the Prophet (r). The Prophet (r) had thus a number of things committed
to his care. He, therefore, charged ‘Ali to return these to their owners before leaving Mak-
kah. Of a fact, such strange behavior from Quraysh and such noble behavior from the
Prophet at such a critical moment is a testimony to the nobility of the Prophet (r) as well as
to the callousness of Quraysh.
“We know well how their talk grieveth thee, though in truth they deny not thee (Mu-
hammed) but evil-doers flout the revelations of Allah.” [Qur'an 6:33]
The fact that the polytheists trusted Allah's Messenger (r) with their possessions, even
though they were fighting against him and insisting upon his death, is an evidence that the
enemies of the mission, deep in their hearts, believed in the righteousness, honesty, and
nobility of the reformer. They believed that he was better off than them in his behavior and
that his heart was purer than theirs. But the insensitivity or indifference of their hearts, their
stubbornness, and their resolute grip towards their errant customs and beliefs, aptly known
as resistance to change, lured them to fight against him, harm him and finally conspire to kill