and management policies and practices (Beer et al. 1985 ; Sinha and Van de Ven
2005 ). This conceptual framework is presented in Fig. 10. 1.
Adopting a systems perspective on work organization has a number of advan-
tages. First, it provides a common framework for describing the myriad ways of
organizing and coordinating work processes that have evolved over time and in
diVerent contexts and which attract diVerent labels or terminologies. For example,
it can be used to diVerentiate, say, between diVerent approaches to teamworking
that might evolve in two diVerent call centers. It can also be used to describe the
working arrangements involved in practices as apparently diverse as lean produc-
tion and empowerment.
Second, the work systems perspective recognizes that the productive work of an
enterprise arises as a result of a complex interplay between a number of work
subsystems. For example, increases in the complexity of tasks performed by
employees or in their role responsibilities are likely to be either facilitated or
Strategy Culture
Operating environment
and practices
Work content
Work system
Fig. 10.1. The organization of a work system
Source:After Beer et al. 1985: 570.
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