Table 12.1 Framework for analyzing direct voiceWorker goals
Type of voicesystem
Typical voicemechanisms
Managerial goals
Tensions inherent in thesystem
Links with othercomponents of HRM
More nterest ngwork
Task-basedpart c pat on
H gh-performancework systems
Improvements n qua tyand customer serv ce
Contested not ons of autonomyand respons b ty
Job des gn andorgan zat ona structures
Greater contro andd scret on over jobperformance
Se f-managed teamsAutonomous workgroups
Enhanced workercomm tment andsat sfact on
Se f-contro and ncreasedmanager a surve ance
Pay and rewardsTra n ng and sk upgrad ng
Opportun ty tocontr bute deas tomprove work
Upwardprob em-so v ng
Off- ne teamsQua ty c rc es
Improvements n qua tyand customer serv ce
Emp oyment secur ty and eanproduct on
Commun cat on,consu tat on andrepresentat on
Recogn t on ofworker sk s
Suggest ons schemes
Appropr at on of workersk s and expert se
D str but on of rewards fromncreased product v ty
Rewards and recogn t on
Two-way br ef ngs
Tra n ng and careerdeve opment
Chance to expressd ssat sfact onabout ssues
Comp a nts tomanagement
Gr evance proceduresD rect comp a nt tosuperv sor
A ow ng workers toet off steamDes re to removeprob ems
Manager a prerogat ves andemp oyee r ghtsFa rness at work
D sputes procedures andndustr a re at onsEqua opportun t es
Des re to rect fyprob ems
Recru tment and retent on