Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management

(Steven Felgate) #1

Note: The following abbreviations are used:
HR: Human Resource.
HRM: Human Resource Management

Abegglen, J. 412
Abell, D. F. 389
ability, motivation and opportunity (AMO) 539
Abrahamson, M. 113
Academy of Human Resource Development
(USA) 332 , 333
Ackroyd, S. 152
acquisitions, and selection procedures/
practices 314
adaptability, and theWrm58 9, 70
Adler, N. J. 513
Adler, P. 408 , 410 , 418
adverse impact:
and employment discrimination253 4
and selection procedures/practices305 6
see alsoequal opportunity and diversity
adverse treatment, and employment
discrimination 253
see alsoequal opportunity and diversity
advertising, and recruitment 280
aesthetic labor 159
aYrmative action 254 , 266
and selection procedures/practices308 9
see alsoequal opportunity and diversity
Agence Nationale Pour l’Emploi 335
agency theory, and pay incentives 346 , 348
Aguilera, R. V. 504
Aguinis, H. 303 , 307
Ahlstrand, B. 48 , 118 , 245 , 481
Ailon Souday, G. 161
Aiman Smith, L. 349
Ajzen, I. 308

Akerlof, G. A. 356
Albanese, M. 410 , 585
Albright, R. 472 , 483 , 484
Albrow, M. 116
Alchian, A. 84
Alder, G. S. 370
Alesson, M. 120
Alge, B. J. 370
Allen, D. G. 245 , 246 , 293
Allen, N. 129 , 201
Allscheid, S. P. 436
Alvesson, M. 154 , 450 , 454 , 455 , 457 , 462 , 469
Alwin, D. H. 556 n 7 , 559 , 566 , 572 , 573
Amable, B. 83
Ambrose, M. L. 370
American Management Association 23
American Society for Personnel
Administration 603
American Society of Personnel
Administrators 37
American Society of Training and
Development 333
analytical human resource management4 7
and importance of context4 6
and model construction 6
and outcome assessment6 7
and scepticism of universal claims 5
Anantharaman, R. 543
Anderson, C. A. 313
Anderson, J. R. 329
Anderson Connolly, R. 415
Anessi Pessina, E. 479
Angrist, J. D. 568
AnsoV, H. Igor 35
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