Awaken Healing Energy

(Barry) #1

Many people experience soreness or pain when they practice,
a sign that they are becoming sensitive to their formerly numbed
body parts in the same way that we feel pain when our leg starts to
come back to life after falling asleep. However you experience the
energy is fine. Do not ignore the messages and sensations your
body sends; if anything, listen more attentively and experience your
body more fully. These messages are valuable signals that you
are coming in tune with your etheric energy body that connects
your physical body to your mind.

Choosing your First Point: The Navel...............................

The first energy center is normally the navel, but it varies if you
have problems such as high or low blood pressure, if you are old,
or if you have chest problems.
The navel serves as the generator of electricity which supplies
all the other points. The Taoists considered the navel the earth or
root of the body. It is the origin of energy: from the fertilized ovum
the fetus is developed, linked to life by its umbilical cord. After birth
the surrounding energy continues to enter through the same area.
The navel also is the place where breath originates. As blood
and chi are drawn to this point a deep rhythmic breathing is estab-
lished, and the entire mid-section of the body becomes a huge
pump, vigorously circulating the chi and blood throughout the or-
ganism. This circulation distributes the life substances and relieves
the heart of its heavy burden.
Moreover, blood follows chi, and when vital power is distributed
evenly throughout the body no energy accumulates at one point,
thereby overheating or damaging the nearby vital organs. How-
ever, if one is injured or ill, energy can be directed to a particular
site, concentrating all one’s healing resource to the point where it
is most needed. When the warm current has removed the impuri-
ties, the blood follows to finish the job of restoration.

Use a Finger to help Concentrate

When you concentrate on the navel focus one and a half inches
below the skin. In the beginning, apply pressure on the point with
your index finger for one to five minutes, then return your hands to

Begin the Orbit
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