Awaken Healing Energy

(Barry) #1

Chapter IX

Safety Valves:

How to prevent Side Effects

You may find circulating chi to the navel point is quite comfortable,
but when the power moves up to the head you may discover that
you are easily irritated and sometimes have headaches. Concen-
trating on the heart chakra, you may develop congestion and pain
in the chest and heart area. Be assured, however, that though you
may initially suffer some untoward effects, your continued practice
will set you free of all such symptoms. However, it must be stressed
that you keep your instructor alerted to whatever you might experi-
ence so that he will be able to help you. Make sure to finish each
session by returning the energy to the navel and circling it 3 to 36
times clockwise and 3 to 24 times counter clockwise for a man,
and the reverse for a woman.
The following centers can act as safety valves, thus helping to
avoid side effects: 1 ) the navel can store energy, 2) the Ming-men
on the back of the spine helps guide the energy downward, 3) the
Wei-Chung (the back of the knee) can store up energy, 4) the Yung-
Chuan in the feet acts as a grounding wire. The Hung Chaun en-
ergy center can also be used as a safety valve to draw off energy
that builds in the head. When too much energy surges up to the
heart and seems to have no place to go, you can redirect it down-
ward to the feet and then up to the navel.

Cleansing Process: Belching and Diarrhea

People who, develop belching and diarrhea during practice might
think that it is due to something that they have eaten. This is not the
case, however. When the power starts to flow, it acts as a cleans-
ing and filtering agent for the body and the organs. The diarrhea
that ensues is not the usual kind. After it is over you will feel very
energetic and internally light and clean. You may feel a little weaker
but you will feel much better than you can recall. Your stool may be
very dark and sticky. This is classically explained as being due to

Chapter IX

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