Can Sha Excrementum Bombycis mori
Mu Gua Fructus Chaenomelis lagenariae
Song Jie Lignum Pini Nodi
Tian Xian Teng Caulis Aristolochiae debilis
Wei Ling Xian Radix Clematidis chinensis
Xi Xian Cao Herba Siegesbeckiae orientalis
Fang Ji Radix Stephaniae tetrandae
Qin Jiao Radix Gentianae macrophyllae
Sang Zhi Ramulus Mori albae
Hai Tong Pi Cortex Erythrinae variegatae
Si Gua Luo Fasciculus Luffae vascularis
Kuan Jin Teng Ramus Tinosporae sinensis
Luo Shi Teng Caulis Trachelospermi jasminoidis
Ren Dong Teng (or Yin Hua Teng) Caulis Lonicerae japonicae
Most of these herbs expel Wind-Dampness and treat Painful Obstruction Syndrome as their main
function. Some of them also have other important functions which may need to be taken into
account when prescribing, notably:
Xi Xian Cao - calms the Mind
Fang Ji - resolves oedema
Qin Jiao - clears Empty-Heat
Mu Gua - benefits fluids (is astringent)
Si Gua Luo - moves Blood.
Other Herbs
There are other herbs, not in the expelling-Wind Dampness category which are very frequently
used for Painful Obstruction Syndrome:
Ji Xue Teng Caulis Millettiae seu Caulis Spatholobi: nourishes Blood and is used for chronic
Painful Obstruction Syndrome with an underlying deficiency of Blood.
Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae sesloidis: resolves Dampness and is used for Damp Painful
Obstruction Syndrome.
Du Zhong Cortex Eucommiae ulmoidis: tonifies Yang and is used for Cold Painful Obstruction
Syndrome especially of the lower part of the body.