prescriptions to specific parts of the body and the following is a partial list:
- Neck, top of shoulders: Qiang Huo Radix et Rhizoma Notopterygii, Gao Ben Rhizoma
Ligustici. - Shoulder joint: Jiang Huang Rhizoma Curcumae longae.
- Spine: Gao Ben Rhizoma Ligustici.
- Lower back: Du Huo Radix Angelicae pubescentis, Hai Tong Pi Cortex Erythrinae
variegatae. - Leg: Bi Xie Radix Dioscoreae hypoglaucae.
- Knee: Niu Xi Radix Achyranthis bidentatae seu Cyathulae, Hai Tong Pi Cortex
Erythrinae variegatae.
Empirical Prescriptions
Besides single herbs, there are also some empirical prescriptions for specific parts of the body.
The following formulae, all for chronic cases, can be used as they are, or the expelling
Wind-Dampness herbs contained within them can be extracted to be added to other formulae.
Ge Gen Radix Puerariae 6 g
Wei Ling Xian Radix Clematidis chinensis 9 g
Qin Jiao Radix Gentianae macrophyllae 6 g
Qiang Huo Radix et Rhizoma Notopterygii 6 g
Tou Gu Cao Herba Speranskiae tuberculatae 9 g
Ji Xue Teng Caulis Millettiae seu Caulis Spatholobi 9 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae sinensis 9 g
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae glutinosae 9 g
Bai Shao Radix Paeoniae albae 9 g
Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi rotundi 6 g
Qiang Huo Radix et Rhizoma Notopterygii 9 g
Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi cassiae 6 g
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae glutinosae 9 g