relaxing the muscles.
Shoulder Joint
Pain and stiffness of the shoulder joint is an extremely common complaint both in the West and
China. Acupuncture normally gives excellent results in both acute and chronic cases.
Invasion of the shoulder channels by external Cold is one of the most common aetiological
factors. Cold contracts muscles and sinews and therefore causes pain and stiffness. Typically, the
pain would be aggravated by exposure to cold or when the weather is rainy and damp. The local
invasion of Cold leads to stagnation of Qi in the shoulder channels and if the Cold is not
expelled, the stagnation can become chronic. This will cause pain and also predispose the
channels to further invasion of Cold, thus starting a vicious circle.
Excessive Work or Exercise
The constant repetition of a movement involving the shoulder joint, either through a particular
sport or through work, will, over the years, lead to local stagnation of Qi in the shoulder.
Minor accidents cause local stagnation of Qi, while serious ones cause local stasis of Blood.
Very often, old accidents which may have long been forgotten predispose the shoulder joint (or
any joint) to invasion of Cold later on in life.
Gall-Bladder Problem
In a small number of cases, a problem in the Gall-Bladder (such as Damp-Heat) can affect the
Small Intestine and Gall-Bladder channels in the shoulder and cause referred pain in the shoulder
Large Intestine Problem
In an equally small number of cases, a shoulder pain along the Large Intestine channel can be the
external manifestation of an organ problem.