be used according to the corresponding channel of the same polarity and opposite end (see Table
23.1Table 23.1 and I.3I.3 in Appendix I). For example, if the Triple Burner channel in the wrist
is involved, then one can use a point on the ankle on the Gall Bladder channel, i.e. G.B.-40
Qiuxu. This is due to the relation between the Triple Burner and Gall Bladder channels within
the Lesser-Yang system. If the Small Intestine or Large Intestine channel on the wrist is
involved, one can use BL-60 Kunlun or ST-41 Jiexi respectively. If the Lung, Pericardium or
Heart channel on the wrist is involved, one can use SP-5 Shangqiu, LIV-4 Zhongfeng or KI-3
Taixi respectively. In all these cases the distal point is needled with reducing method and the
local points are needled afterwards (while the distal point is retained).
In chronic cases, the distal point is needled with even method. Since the pain usually occurs on
the Yang surface of the wrist the main local points to use are:
- T.B.-4 Yangchi.
- L.I.-5 Yangxi is especially suitable as it is the River point from which pathogenic factors
are deviated to joints. - S.I.-5 Yanggu is also especially indicated for the same reason as above.
Moxa is applicable if Cold is involved. If the wrist is swollen, it can be tapped with the 7-star
hammer (or plum-blossom needle) until it bleeds very slightly and moxa smoke should be
directed onto the area.
Pain and swelling of the fingers is a common complaint. It is usually due to Cold or Damp
Painful Obstruction Syndrome, and is frequently caused by prolonged exposure to cold water or
rain over many years (e.g. farmers or cleaners).
In acute cases only local points are used. The main points are:
- Baxie extra points. There are two alternative locations for these points and they are both
effective. They are located on the dorsum of the hand, either at the end of the fingers'
creases when the hand is fisted, or midway between the end of the creases and the
metacarpo-phalangeal articulations (Figure 23.11(466)). They are needled obliquely
towards the palm of the hand.