Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

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  • SP-9 Yinlingquan is one of the main points to use on the Spleen channel. It must always
    be needled if the knee is swollen, since this indicates invasion of Dampness, and this
    point resolves Dampness.

  • LIV-7 Xiguan means "Knee-gate". It is a special point to expel Dampness and Cold from
    the knee. It also relaxes the tendons and relieves stiffness.

  • LIV-8 Ququan expels Dampness and nourishes Liver-Blood: it therefore also relieves
    stiffness by promoting the nourishment of sinews by Liver-Blood. It is particularly
    important to use in old people with an underlying deficiency of Liver and Kidneys.

Case History 23.9

Painful Obstruction Syndrome: Cold and Dampness-Female, Age 82

An 82-year-old woman had been suffering from pain and swelling in the medial side of both
knees for the past 7 years. Apart from this she felt quite well and the only other problem was
poor sleep. Her tongue was Red without coating and with cracks. Her pulse was almost normal
and only slightly Fine.

Diagnosis Even though she has not many symptoms, we can deduce that the pain
in the knees is due to invasion of Cold and Dampness (because of the
swelling) against a background of Kidney-Yin deficiency, the only other
sign of which is the Red and Peeled tongue with cracks.

Treatment principle The treatment principle adopted was to resolve Dampness, expel Cold,
and remove obstructions from the channels. She was treated with
acupuncture only.

Acupuncture The main points used were:

LIV-8 Ququan, SP-6 Sanyinjiao and KI-3 Taixi to nourish Liver and
Kidney Yin. In addition, LIV-8 also functions as a local point.

SP-9 Yinlingquan as a local point and to resolve Dampness.

LIV-7 Xiguan with warm needle as a local point.

Although the pain in the knees did not disappear entirely, probably on
account of her age, it nevertheless decreased dramatically and she was
able to walk much more than before.

Pain Inside the Knee Joint

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