strengthens the lower back.
- Di Long expels Wind-Damp and stops pain.
- Gan Cao harmonizes.
- Qiang Huo and Qin Jiao have been eliminated from the original formula which was for
pain all over the body. Qiang Huo treats mostly the upper part of the body while the
present variation is directed at the lower part.
- If there is also Damp-Cold in the lower back add Du Huo Radix Angelicae pubescentis.
- If there is Kidney-Yang deficiency add Du Zhong Cortex Eucommiae ulmoidis and Gou
Ji Rhizoma Cibotii barometz.
Patent Remedies
Gu Zhe Cuo Shang San
(Fracture and Contusion Powder)
Ye Zhu Gu Cranium Suis Scrofae
Huang Gua Zi Semen Cucumeris sativae
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae sinensis
Hong Hua Flos Carthami tinctorii
Xue Jie Sangui Draconis
Da Huang Rhizoma Rhei
Ru Xiang Gummi Olibanum
Mo Yao Myrrha
Di Bie Chong Eupolyphaga sue opishoplatia
Although this remedy is mostly for fractures and contusions, it can be used for acute backache
from local stagnation of Qi and Blood.
It is contraindicated in pregnancy and it should be used only for a short time (about one week) as
it contains Da Huang which moves downwards and Di Bie Chong which is slightly toxic.
Da Huo Luo Dan