the right side. His pulse was Slippery and Wiry on the left side and Weak on the right.
Diagnosis Most of his symptoms show very clearly the presence of Damp-Heat.
Damp-Heat is present in four areas:
in the Stomach and Spleen: loose stools, epigastric fullness
in the muscles: muscle fatigue and ache, weakness of the limbs,
tiredness, swelling of glands
in the Gall-Bladder: sticky-yellow coating on the right side of the
tongue, hypochondrial pain
in the head: dizziness.
In this case Heat is quite evident given the Red colour of his tongue, the
thirst and the feeling of heat.
Treatment principle He was treated with acupuncture and herbs. The principle of treatment
was aimed at resolving Dampness and clearing Heat first.
Acupuncture The main points used were L.I.-11 Quchi and SP-9 Yinlingquan to
resolve Damp-Heat, T.B.-6 Zhigou to clear Heat from the Gall-Bladder
and any remaining Heat, Ren-12 Zhongwan and ST-40 Fenglong to
resolve Dampness and Phlegm. Other points used later in the course of
treatment were ST-36 Zusanli, BL-20 Pishu and BL-21 Weishu to
tonify the Stomach and Spleen once the Dampness was resolved, and
Du-20 Baihui to raise Yang and lift the mood.
Herbal treatment The herbal prescription used was a variation of Lian Po Yin
Coptis-Magnolia Decoction:
Huang Lian Rhizoma Copidis 4 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae officinalis 4 g
Shi Cang Pu Rhizoma Acori graminei 4 g
Lu Gen Rhizoma Phragmitis communis 4 g
Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae ternatae 6 g
Shan Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae jasminoidis 3 g
Dan Dou Chi Semen Sojae praeparatum 4 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae cocos 4 g
Yi Yi Ren Semen Coicis lachryma jobi 4 g
Yin Chen Hao Herba Artemisiae capillaris 3 g
Mu Xiang Radix Saussureae 3 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis praeparata 3 g
Explanation Fu Ling and Yi Yi Ren were added to resolve Dampness via urination.