Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

(nextflipdebug2) #1
Ye Jiao Teng Caulis Polygoni multiflori 9 g
Fu Shen Sclerotium Poriae cocos pararadicis 6 g


This formula, which has already been explained in the chapter on Headaches (Chapter 1),
subdues Liver-Yang and nourishes Liver and Kidneys. It is widely used for dizziness from
Liver-Yang or Liver-Wind rising.


  • If there are symptoms and signs of Liver-Fire (indicated above) either add Long Dan Cao
    Radix Gentianae scabrae or use Long Dan Xie Gan Tang Gentiana Draining the Liver
    Decoction instead, adding Tian Ma Rhizoma Gastrodiae elatae, Gou Teng Ramulus
    Uncariae and Shi Jue Ming Concha Haliotidis.

  • If there is Liver-Wind add Di Long Pheretima aspergillum, Zhen Zhu Mu Concha
    margaritiferae and Mu Li Concha Ostreae.

Case History 2.1

Dizziness: Liver-Yang Rising-Male, Age 70

A 70-year-old man had been suffering from vertigo for several years. He was very unsteady on
his feet and often used a shopping trolley to steady himself while walking. His blood pressure
was raised and he occasionally had blurred vision. His nails were very dry and withered, his
complexion was dark and his skin dry. His tongue was Reddish-Purple with a thin yellow
coating in the centre but no coating elsewhere. The tongue was also Stiff and dry. His pulse was
very Full and Wiry.

Diagnosis His condition was clearly due to Liver-Yang rising with an underlying
deficiency of Liver-Yin. The vertigo was due to Liver-Yang rising
which was also reflected in the pulse quality, while Liver-Yin
deficiency was evidenced by the blurred vision, the dry skin, the dry and
withered nails and the Stiff tongue.

Principle of treatment The principle of treatment adopted was therefore to nourish Liver-Yin
and subdue Liver-Yang.

Acupuncture The main points used were G.B.-20 Fengchi, T.B.-5 Waiguan, L.I.-4
Hegu and LIV-3 Taichong with even method and LIV-8 Ququan, SP-6
Sanyinjiao and KI-3 with reinforcing method.

Explanation G.B.-20 sudues Liver-Yang and relieves dizziness.

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