malnourishment of the channels. Thus, the channels of the affected side are empty in relation to
those of the healthy side.
In any case, the points chosen consist of two groups: one of general points to subdue Wind, and
one of points to remove obstruction from the channels. The points to subdue Wind in general are:
- Du-26 Renzhong, Du-20 Baihui and BL-7 Tongtian.
The points to remove obstructions from the channels are:
Paralysis of the arm: L.I.-15 Jianyu, T.B.-14 Jianliao, L.I.-11 Quchi, L.I.-10 Shousanli, T.B.-5
Waiguan, L.I.-4 Hegu, T.B.-3 Zhongzhu, S.I.-3 Houxi.
Paralysis of the leg: BL-23 Shenshu, G.B.-30 Huantiao (a very important point for this
condition), G.B.-29 Juliao, ST-31 Biguan, G.B.-31 Fengshi, ST-32 Futu, BL-40 Weizhong,
G.B.-34 Yanglingquan, ST-36 Zusanli, BL-57 Chengshan, G.B.-39 Xuanzhong, ST-41 Jiexi,
BL-60 Kunlun, G.B.-40 Qiuxu.
Only three or four points should be used each time for each limb. The points are also selected
according to the joint involved. They should be needled rather deep and intramuscular
penetration of two points with one needle is often used. For example:
L.I.-15 Jianyu to L.I.-14 Binao
ST-36 Zusanli to ST-37 Shangjuxu
T.B.-5 Waiguan to P-6 Neiguan
L.I.-11 Quchi to HE-3 Shaohai
G.B.-34 Yanglingquan to SP-9 Yinlingquan
G.B.-39 Xuanzhong to SP-6 Sanyinjiao
Although more Yang points are used, points from the Yin channels should not be overlooked.
Yin points are particularly indicated in conditions of more than six months' duration where there
is pronounced stiffness and contraction of the limbs.
Treatment Principle
Tonify Qi, move Blood, remove obstructions from the channels and invigorate the Connecting
Herbal Treatment
Bu Yang Hai Wu Tang