Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

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invasion of Wind-Cold or Wind-Heat (or repeated invasions) and this is not expelled properly
(either through lack of treatment, or through improper treatment such as treatment with
antibiotics), the external pathogenic factor lodges itself in the Interior and it continuously
obstructs the descending of Lung-Qi causing chronic breathlessness.

A frequent consequence of an invasion of Wind is interior Lung-Heat or Phlegm-Heat.
Wind-Heat has a strong tendency to create interior Heat from its early stages by its drying action.
Wind-Cold too, can turn into Heat once in the Interior. If there is a pre-existing condition of
Lung-Heat, Wind-Cold can "lock" the Heat in the Lungs giving rise to breathlessness. As
Lung-Qi fails to descend, fluids cannot be transformed and they accumulate into Phlegm.
Phlegm of course, becomes a powerful cause of breathlessness in itself as it further obstructs the
descending of Lung-Qi in the chest.

Phlegm-Heat in the Interior also obstructs the ascending of Spleen-Qi and the descending of
Stomach-Qi so that fluids cannot be transformed properly. This further contributes to forming
Phlegm or Dampness. For these reasons, Dampness or Phlegm are a very common result of any
acute disease which becomes protracted.

The possibility of the development of breathlessness from repeated invasions of external Wind
(which occurs especially but not exclusively in children) is a further reason to treat all such
invasions seriously and actively expel the pathogenic factor while it is still on the Exterior.


The excessive consumption of fats, dairy foods, sweets, sugar and raw-cold foods impairs the
transformation and transportation of food essences and fluids by the Spleen. As fluids are not
transformed, this eventually leads to the formation of Phlegm which settles in the Lungs. In the
Lungs, Phlegm obstructs the descending of Qi and causes breathlessness.

This an extremely common aetiological factor of breathlessness in Western societies, especially
due to the excessive consumption of dairy foods such as milk, cheese, butter and cream.

In babies, breathlessness can be caused by weaning too early and feeding heavy foods which the
very young digestive system cannot digest. This easily leads to the accumulation of Phlegm.

Emotional Problems

Worry, pensiveness or brooding over a long period of time weaken the Lung and Spleen.
Lung-Qi becomes obstructed and this leads to breathlessness. Spleen-Qi is weakened, fluids are
not transformed properly and this leads to Phlegm which is a contributing factor in chronic

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