Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

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Exterior and expelling Wind-Cold even in chronic breathlessness.

Treatment Principle

Release the Exterior, restore the dispersing and descending of Lung-Qi, expel Wind-Cold.


General Prescription

LU-7 Lieque, LU-6 Kongzui, BL-12 Fengmen, BL-13 Feishu, Dingchuan extra-point. All with
reducing method, cupping on BL-12 and BL-13. Direct moxa with cones is applicable to BL-12
after needling and cupping.


  • LU-7 releases the Exterior, expels Wind-Cold and restores the descending of Lung-Qi.

  • LU-6, Accumulation point, is used for acute Lung patterns and it stops breathlessness.

  • BL-12 and BL-13 with cupping release the Exterior and restore the dispersing and
    descending of Lung-Qi. Moxa can be applied after needling and cupping if Cold is

  • Dingchuan (0.5 cun lateral to Du-14 Dazhui) stops acute breathlessness.

Herbal Treatment


Ma Huang Tang
(Ephedra Decoction)

Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 6 g
Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi cassiae 4 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni armeniacae 9 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis praeparata 3 g


This is the decoction to release the Exterior and expel Wind-Cold. It has a strong scattering
effect and it makes Lung-Qi disperse and descend. It is particularly indicated for acute

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