This patient was treated with acupuncture every two weeks and took the
above decoction, with slight variations, for 6 months. After this time,
her cycle became regular and the menstrual pain was reduced by 80%.
Prescription for Full Cold
Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang
(Lower Abdomen Eliminating Stasis Decoction)
Xiao Hui Xiang Fructus Foeniculi vulgaris 6 g
Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis officinalis 2 g
Rou Gui Cortex Cinnamomi cassiae 1.5 g
Yan Hu Suo Rhizoma Corydalis yanhusuo 6 g
Mo Yao Myrrha 6 g
Pu Huang Pollen Typhae 6 g
Wu Ling Zhi Excrementum Torgopteri 4.5 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae sinensis 9 g
Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici wallichii 4.5 g
Chi Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae rubrae 6 g
- Xiao Hui Xiang, Gan Jiang and Rou Gui warm the uterus and expel Cold.
- Yan Hu Suo, Mo Yao, Pu Huang and Wu Ling Zhi move Blood and stop pain.
- Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong and Chi Shao nourish and move Blood.
- If there is Dampness add Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis lanceae and Fu Ling
Sclerotium Poriae cocos.
Clinical Manifestations
Hypogastric pain before the period and sometimes on mid-cycle, burning sensation extending to
the sacrum, feeling of heat, menstrual blood red with small clots, vaginal discharge, scantydark
Tongue: Red, sticky-yellow tongue coating.