Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

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Lung cracks). It later affected the Kidneys as well becoming unable to
grasp Qi. The Spleen is also deficient as evidenced by the tiredness, the
swelling on the edges of the tongue and the Weak pulse. Symptoms of
Lung deficiency are the breathlessness and the daytime sweating. The
difficulty in breathing in is due to Kidney deficiency. Besides this, there
is also Phlegm deriving from the deficiency of Spleen, Lungs and
Kidneys. The Phlegm can be observed in the swelling of the tongue, the
dirty tongue coating and the myomas in the uterus. These could also be
due to stasis of Blood but this is not the case here as the blood is not
dark with clots.

Treatment In this case, as in the previous one, the condition is internal and we can
treat both the Root (deficiency of Yang of the Spleen, Lungs and
Kidneys) and the Manifestation (Phlegm). On the one hand, one can
tonify the body's Qi and on the other one can resolve Phlegm.

This woman was treated with acupuncture only with the following
selection of points over a period of 8 months:

Directing vessel (i.e. LU-7 Lieque on the right and KI-6 Zhaohai on the
left). This combination of points opens the Directing Vessel, restores the
descending of Lung-Qi and stimulates the grasping of Qi by the

Ren-12 Zhongwan, Ren- 9 Shuifen and ST-40 Fenglong to resolve

ST-36 Zusanli and BL-20 Pishu with needles and moxa to warm and
tonify the Spleen.

BL-13 Feishu and Du-12 Shenzhu to tonify and warm the Lungs.

BL-23 Shenshu and KI-7 Fuliu to tonify and warm the Kidneys.

L.I.-20 Yingxiang to expel Wind and stop sneezing.

Lung- and Kidney-Yin Deficiency

Clinical Manifestations

Chronic breathlessness, difficulty in breathing in, dry throat, dry cough, night sweating, 5-palm
heat, malar flush.

Tongue: Red without coating, cracks in Lung area, dry.

Pulse: Floating-Empty.

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