tinnitus 312-13
tiredness 321-2
Lung-Yin deficiency
breathlessness 78-9
cough 190-91
myalgic encephalomyelitis 650
tiredness 332-3
Lung-Yin deficiency with Empty-Heat, coughing blood 719-20
embolism 379-80
Painful-Urination Syndrome 495
signs of poor hereditary constitution 317
weakness, hereditary 2
worry 213-14
Maxillary sinuses 163-4
Memory 199
and intellect 208
poor 300-303
Heart deficiency 302-3
Kidney-Essence deficiency 301-2
Spleen deficiency 301
and will-power (Zhi) 208
énière's disease Ménière's disease 65
Meningitis 53-4
Menorrhagia 749-64
aetiology 749-50
differentiation and treatment 750-63
Blood-Empty-Heat 754-5
Blood-Heat 753-4
Damp-Heat in Uterus 756-8
Kidney-Yang deficiency 759-62
Kidney-Yin deficiency 762-3
Spleen not holding Blood 758-9
stasis of Blood 755-6
pathology 50
prevention 763-4
prognosis 763-4
Western differentiation 764
Mental activity
Ethereal Soul 202
headaches 3
Mental-emotional problems 197-280
acupuncture points 228-31
aetiology 217-18
diagnosis 218-22
pathology 222-7
prevention 278-9
sinking substances 277-8
treatment 231-78
Blood deficiency 270